Monday, May 31, 2010

west coast boys

So funny story...
I am really big into baseball so my family hosts players over the summer for a minor league team. My friend & I decided to check out the prospect list to see who may be coming here this summer. I decided that I would find all the guys on facebook and request them. I am going to know them eventually so I figured I would get a head start. A lot of the guys I have already hosted have been from the west coast. They are my best friends and I talk to them almost everyday. My status that day on facebook was I <3 West Coast Boys. I hadn't remembered this was my status and before I knew it the guys I had requested that live in the west coast were IMing me. This is how every single conversation went with about 4 different guys...

Me: Hey! Whats up?!
Them: So you like west coast boys?

You might of had to have been there but it was hilarious because every five minutes I had a new IM with the same exact message. Of course I was loving it. I can already tell it is going to be a very interesting summer.

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